Når du setter ubehandlete tremøbler utenfor, vil det patinere over tid og bli sølvgrått til slutt. Hvis du ønsker å bevare eller forsterke den originale mørke / gyldne / honningbrune fargen, kan du bruke Skageraks naturlige olje til utemøbler.
Oljen er designet for å beskytte og styrke tresorter som teak, vestlig rød sedertre, kirsebær og mahogny. Når den naturlige oljen metter og mørkner overflaten litt, får den frem den naturlige skjønnheten i treverket og etterlater det godt næret, motstandsdyktig mot vann, skitt og fett.
Proper usage and maintenance Proper usage and maintenance is vital for getting the most out of the valuable resources we have. Our designs are made to last for generations, but just like everything else, they need a little care to get there. Oil
1. Clean the surface well before starting the oil treatment. Make sure to leave the wood to dry for at least 24 hours after cleaning. Avoid direct sunlight and high temperatures. It should be no colder than 13°C though.
2. Sand down any rough wooden fibers with sandpaper before applying the oil.
3. Stir the oil before and while using it.
4. Apply an even layer of oil with a brush or a lint-free cotton cloth.
5. Wipe off any excess oil with clean cotton cloths after no more than 20 minutes.
6. If the surface does not appear saturated with oil, repeat step 4 and 5 a couple of times.
7. It normally takes 48 hours for the oil to harden. The wood should not be exposed to water in this period.
8. We recommend to repeat this process 1-2 times a year. Remember to always clean the surface before.